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Research Advice

Paper Writing

Writing the paper is how you develop the idea in the first place.It usually turns out to be more interesting and challenging that it seemed at first.


  • Science is about truth
  • "That is a good question."
  • It is really sell your idea to reviewers. How to convince others?
  • ask yourself a question: "so what?" You get a paper, so what? It's really about impact. what is fundamental? It's not tricks or solutions, the most important thing is the problem?


Presentation tips

  • Each slide need to have a take away point, exactly one the slide! (When they read the slides, they can still understand)
  • The title on each slide need to pinpoint the thing you need to discuss.
  • Use animations for complex examples.
  • Pay attention to tech terms used so people can understand. articulation! a good way to express your opinions. Pay attention to terms used. a lot, big are vague words, do not use.
  • Your English does not improve with years, it comes with effort.
  • Simple words! Logics!
  • Practice, practice, practice. Write the scripts ahead for the presentation.

  • Treat every group meeting as a practice. Good slides, good points.

  • Grammar errors may not affect people's understanding, but they greatly hurt impressions.
  • Communication is more important in academia and industry. Papers need to convince others with your ideas. In company the weekly meeting affects managers' impressions on you, which matters most for a career.
  • always have related work.


  • Give the clear title and explanations.
  • animations to bring attention in complex graphs.

writing levels

  • lv.0 sitting in front of computer writing nothing
  • lv.1 write a lot of things that no one can understand
  • lv.2 writing things that people can understand
  • lv.3 writing things that address all readers' concerns, start from why naturally to how.

research exam

  • survey is not just related works one by one. people are not interested in individual stuff.
  • It's more about the categorize the papers and summarize the papers, from a high-level thinking. Explore the whole design space for the problem !!! Are there any empty space, maybe as future work?
  • train you to think about the problem, and really what problem you are gonna solve.

what is a good research problem?

  • Citing papers from third tier confs to build arguments is the weakest thing in the paper. Show the real examples,
  • what is the right thing to do, always?